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Sequence No.
Give the classification of man, mentioning atleast one feature of each category.
Classification of man:
Kingdom: Animalia - Multicellular, heterotrophic, often motile organism with out cell wall.
Subkingdom: Eumetazoa - Digestive tract, organ systems present.
Phylum: Chordata - Notochord and visual pouches in embryo, dorsal hallow brain and nervecord throughout life.
Subphylum: Vertebrata (Craniata) - Segmented verberal column around the spinal chord and cranium around the brain.
Section: Gnathostomata - Mouth supported by jaws.
Superclass: Tetrapoda - Four pentadactyl limbs.
Class: Mammalia - Hair, pinnae, mammary glands, vivipary.
Subclass: Theria - Young ones born alive, feed on milk.
Order: Primates - Nails over digits, vision acute, power of smell poor.
Suborder: Anthropoidea - Rounded head, facial muscles for emotional expression.
Family: Hominidae - Erect posture, flat face, bipedal gaint, binocular vision, arms shorter than legs.
Genus: Homo - Large brain, speech, long childhood.
Species: H. sapiens - High forehead, prominent chin, body hair reduced.
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