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What are the measure to be used population control.
Over population is the barrier in the development and progress of any country. Natural resources are suffered by the over population. Presently, human population is doubling every 35 years. If this continues, soon the earth will be over - crowded with human beings. Human has started realising his fate and has initiated plans to stop this rate of increase by adopting following measures:
Planned Control of Population: Decline in birth rate is the only practicable and direct method to check over population in the world. It can be done in the following three ways:
1. Education: People, especially those are in the reproductive age group, should be educated about disadvantage of over population and advantages of small family. Educational institutes and mass media (e.g., te1evision, . radio, newspapers, magazines etc.) are the means by which people can be educated in this compaign. The awareness in the people will certainly help to check population growth.
2. Increasing Marriageable Age: To raise the age of marriage is a much effective way to control the population. At present, marriageable age for
female and males are 18 years and 21 years respectively. If the marriageable age is reasonably increased, it can definitely help to check population growth.
3. Family Planning: Indian government, in an attempt to check high birth rate, started voluntary approach towards birth control programmes. This programmes initially failed in a view of people’s traditional resistance to birth control measures. In 1976, Indian government started tentative programme of compulsory sterilization which required one parent to undergo sterilization after a couple had produced two children. This programme was later again replaced by voluntary approach alongwith steps to educate people regarding benefits of family planning programmes.
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