The widespread application of insecticides and pesticides is the result of today's rapid population growth and food material demand. Our environment is continually polluted and fertile lands are becoming infertile as a result of these toxic chemical insecticides and pesticides' harmful effects and biomagnifications. They are, without a doubt, providing optimistic results in the eradication of insects, pests, and diseases, but they are also killing beneficial soil organisms, resulting in a rapid decline in soil fertility. Chemical methods are used in conventional farming to randomly kill both beneficial and harmful life forms, causing the food web and food chain to break down.
The most effective strategy for dealing with the losses caused by the chemicals is biocontrol. Without causing harm to the surrounding environment or other organisms, these methods use biological methods to eradicate pathogens, insects, and pests. This is not based on introduced chemicals but rather on natural predation. This also includes the use of pesticides and bio-insecticides. Nowadays, most farmers are switching to organic farming because they are aware of the harmful effects of chemical pesticides and insecticides. There are numerous such plants, waste, etc., in our neighborhood. exist from which these bio-insecticides and pesticides can be produced solely through natural means.
Most conventional pesticides are made of synthetic materials that kill or incapacitate the pest right away. Chemical pesticides have increased pest resistance as a single chemical entity. Bio-pesticides, also known as biological pesticides, are pesticides made from natural substances like bacteria, animals, plants, and some minerals. Biopesticides are less harmful and less likely to pollute the environment than conventional pesticides. This is the only category that includes the use of biopesticides and bioinsecticides. By utilizing on-farm agronomic, biological, and mechanical methods and excluding all synthetic off-farm inputs, organic agriculture is a one-of-a-kind production
a management system that promotes and enhances agroecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. Organic farming typically results in yields that are a little lower overall, but it is able to sustain higher yields during drought years, resulting in higher yields in some instances. Organic farming has been shown to have improved nutrient qualities, including as much as double the flavonoids, an important antioxidant, and to require less water, use fewer natural pesticides, preventing soil erosion, leaching significantly fewer nitrates, and have been shown to have improved nutrient qualities. Bio-insecticides and bio-pesticides preparation, application, effects, and benefits are the primary focus of this project.
Different types of bio-insecticides and bio-pesticide
i. Cow Urine
ii. Fermented curd water
iii. Dashparni Extract
iv. Neem -cow urine extract
v. Mixed leaves extract
vi. Chilli –garlic extract
vii. Broad spectrum formulation 1
viii. Broad spectrum formulation 2
Cow Urine Extract
In India, cow breeding and farming go hand in hand, so cow urine is readily available in rural areas. Since ancient times, it has gained prominence in the Hindu religion. Gomutra, also known as cow urine, is required for all religious ceremonies and rituals. The cow urine will be used to control pests and boost crop growth in this instance.
Application and preparation: -
Utilize a sprayer to apply 5 liters of concentrated, pure cow urine diluted with 40 liters of water to one hectare of the field at night.
Effects and benefits Because it contains a lot of urea, which is toxic to most organisms, including insects and pests. will not attack the crop plants' buds and leaves.
Most of the pests and insects that are attracted by the nectar and fragrance are repelled by the extract's pungent and unpleasant smell, preventing the plant from growing.
Fermented Curd Water
In many rural Indian states, milk production—also known as dairy management—is the primary occupation associated with farming. Dairy products may also be an effective alternative for controlling pests and insects on farms. This can be accomplished with the help of buttermilk or Church, a dairy product. It is made by centrifuging curd, which also yields ghee (fats) as a byproduct. Summertime has a much higher demand for buttermilk, which becomes unpleasant after two days of storage. The extract can be made with this tasteless buttermilk.
Preparation and use
Mix equal amounts of water and the unpleasant buttermilk together. Keep it in a partially shaded location for two days. Now, take it and mix 10 liters of the extract with 40 liters of water to make 50 liters of the solution. Spray this solution over a 1-hectare field in such a way that the fogging spray covers every plant in the early morning.
Benefits and Drawbacks
The billions of bacteria in fermented buttermilk stop other bacteria, fungi, and protozoa from growing. These bacteria produce inhibitors that combat undesirable pathogens.
Additionally, fermented buttermilk contains beneficial nutrients for crop plant growth and maturation.
Dashparni extract
Materials required
· Neem leaves 5 kg,
· vitex negundo leaves 2 kg,
· Aristolochia leaves 2 kg,
· papaya (carica papaya) 2 kg,
· Tinospora cordifolia leaves 2 kg,
· Annona squamosa (Custard apple) leaves 2 kg,
· Pongamia pinnata (Karanja) leaves 2 kg,
· Ricinus communis (Castor) leaves 2 kg,
· Nerium indicum 2 kg,
· Calotropis procera leaves 2 kg,
· Green chili paste 2 kg,
· Garlic paste 250 gm,
· Cow dung 3 kg
· Cow Urine 5 lit.
Preparation Method
Mix all of the aforementioned ingredients in 200 liters of water to ferment for a month. Twice daily, shake this mixture thoroughly. After one month, filter it. The shelf life of this extract is up to six months.
Application Use a fogging machine to apply this extract to the plants. One acre of the crop can be grown with the extract prepared above.
Effects and benefits
The prepared extract is very useful for controlling a wide range of pests, including leaf folders, leafhoppers, and others.
It contains neem, which discourages oviposition, and cow dung and urine, which serve as biofertilizers and enhance soil-beneficial microbial activity.
It is simple to prepare and can be stored for a long time before being used.
Neem-cow urine extract
Ingredients: 5 kg of neem leaves, 5 liters of cow urine, 2 kg of cow dung, and 100 liters of water. How to make it: Crush the above ingredients, ferment for 24 hours with intermittent stirring, then filter, squeeze, and dilute the extract with 100 liters of water.
Fill the spray machine with this extract and use it to cover an acre of the crop.
Benefits and Drawbacks
Neem is a broad-spectrum pesticide that works well with the majority of chemical pesticides. Neem works by intervening at various insect life stages. It may not immediately eradicate the pests, but it will incapacitate them in a number of other ways.
Neem prevents ovipositing by acting as an oviposition deterrent, repellent, growth inhibitor, and anti-feeding agent.
Urea, which is toxic to most organisms, including insects and pests, is abundant in cow urine.
Extracting mixed
leaves required three kilograms of neem leaves, ten liters of cow urine, two kilograms of custard apple leaves, two kilograms each of papaya and pomegranate leaves, and two kilograms each of guava leaves.
Preparation Method:
Crush all of the above-mentioned materials and add 5 liters of water to them. Boil the above mixture five times over a period of time until it is half as thick as the first. After 24 hours, strain the extract through a filter. This can be kept for six months in bottles.
Mix 50 liters of water with the extracted 2-2.5 liters described above. Fill the fogging machine with the diluted solution, and then spray it over an acre of land.
Effects and Benefits Guava
leaves hold a special place in ayurveda because they are used to treat some diseases.
Due to the presence of specific compounds, the leaves of the pomegranate are resistant to a wide range of insects and other pests.
Chili-garlic extract
Materials required
· Ipomoea leaves 1 kg,
· 500 gm hot chili,
· 500 gm garlic,
· 5 kg neem leaves,
· 10-liter cow urine
Preparation Method:
Crush the aforementioned material and boil the suspension until it is half of the original. Filter and squeeze the above extract before storing it in bottles made of glass or plastic.
Mix 50 liters of water with two to three liters of the extract. Now thoroughly mix it and apply it to one acre of the crop as a foliar spray.
Benefits and Drawbacks Sulfur in garlic is an antibacterial.
Due to its ability to preserve food, chili prevents fungal and bacterial infections.
Broad spectrum formulation 1
Materials required
· 3 kg fresh crushed neem leaves,
· 1 kg neem seed kernel powder,
· 10 lit of cow urine,
· 500 gm green chilies
· 250gm of garlic
Preparation method:
In a copper container, combine three kilograms of neem leaves, neem seed kernel powder, and ten liters of cow urine. After sealing the container, the suspension should ferment for ten days. Boil the suspension for ten days until the volume is half of the original. Now, soak the ground 500 grams of green chilies overnight in one liter of water. Crush 250 grams of garlic in another container, add 1 liter of water and let it sit overnight. The following day, combine the boiled extract, the garlic extract, and the chili extract. Filter it after vigorously mixing it. Glass or plastic containers can be used to store the concentrate.
Application Mix thoroughly 250 milliliters of concentrate with 10 liters of water. Apply it to the crop as a foliar spray now.
Benefits and effects:
This formulation produces complex Cu compounds that are toxic to many bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and other microorganisms. It is very helpful for controlling bacteria.
Numerous insects and microorganisms are poisoned by the compounds that are produced when the aforementioned extract is fermented.
Broad spectrum formulation 2
Materials required:-
· 5 kg neem seed kernel powder,
· 1kg Karanj seed powder,
· 5 kg chopped leaves of besharam (Ipomoea sp.),
· 5kg chopped neem leaves,
· 10-12 lit of cow urine
Suspend 5 kg of chopped besharam (Ipomoea sp.) leaves, 1 kg of Karanj seed powder, and 5 kg of neem seed kernel powder. and five kilograms of chopped neem leaves in a 20-liter drum. To make 150 lit, add 10-12 lit of cow urine and water to the drum. After sealing the drum, give it eight to ten days to ferment. Mix the contents after eight days and distill them in a distiller.
Application One acre of distillate from a 150-liter liquid will be sufficient. Spray the foliar area with a diluted solution.
Effects and benefits:
Neem works well to get rid of common pests like thrips, whiteflies, leaf folder, leaf worms, bollworms, aphids, jassids, pod borers, fruit borers, stem borers, leafhopper, caterpillars, and diamondback moths. It also works well to prevent them from coming back.
Karanj can be used to monitor microbial growth and contains poisonous chemicals.

By Chanchal Sailani | January 19, 2023, | Editor at Gurugrah_Blogs.