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Sequence No.


Write about various problems related to reproductive health.

Problems Related to Reproductive Health:
1. Prohibitions: In our India religions, traditions and society set up do not permit dissemination of knowledge about family planning and reproductive health to children.

2. Early Marriage: Children are married as soon as they attain puberty in many parts of our country. Child marriage results in having children even when the parents themselves are in their early adulthood.

3. Career: Early marriage may not allow the young couple especially the women to pursue studies. This result in arrest of career of the husband and more particularly of the woman due to household work.

4. Teen - age Mother: The teen - age mother may not be physically fit to give birth, bear child and nourish infants properly. The children born to parents married early may have various deformities.

5. Maternal Mortalhy Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): Due to married early the chances of maternal and infant mortality rates rise. Complications of pregnancy, child birth and abortions are major reasons of female’s mortality between 15 and 19 years of age.


6. Personal Hygiene: Couples married early and uneducated couples hardly have any knowledge of personal hygiene and hygiene of reproductive organs. The incidence of infection of sexually transmitted diseases is maximum in young people of 15 - 24 years of age.

7. Health of Woman: Due to poor diet and lack of care, woman in our society isually remain weak, anaemic and are prone to several diseases.

8. Population Growth: There is a surge or explosion in population growth due to lack of knowledge and also no measures to check the growing population.

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