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Sequence No.


Write short notes on the following:
(i) Sertoli cells
(ii) Leydig cells
(iii) Urethra
(iv) Rete testin.

(i) Sertoli cells:
Supporting or Sertoli cells: Some cells of germinal epithelium in seminiferous tubules are pyramidal in shape, called sertoli cells
Functions of Sertoli Cells:

  1. Sertoli cells provide nutrition to developing sperms,
  2. These also provide mechanical support to the developing sperms during spermatogenesis.
  3. These secrete Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) that concentrates testosterone in the seminiferous tubules.
  4. These also secrete another protein hormone called inhibin which suppresses FSH synthesis.
  5. These cells disintegrate the excess amount of cytoplasm of spermatids.

(ii) Leydig cells
Leydig or Interstitial cells: These are present in the connective tissue between the adjacent seminiferous tubules and are small groups of large, polygonal cells. These cells synthesise and secrete testicular hormone called androgens.


(iii) Urethra 
Urethra arises from urinary bladder and joins the ejaculatory duct to form urinogenital canal. It carries urine as well as sperm and secretions of seminal vesicles, prostate gland and cowper’s gland. Urethra is about 30 cm long and passes through penis to its external opening known as urethral meatus. Urethra has following three regions:

  • A short proximal prostotic part surrounded by prostate gland.
  • A short middle membranous Urethra without any covering.
  • Penial part, that passes through the penis.

(iv) Rete testin.
Rete Testest The end of the semineferous tubules converge toward the middle of the posterior surface of the testes and join to form short straight tubules called tubuli recti. The tubuli recti opens into a network of wider, irregular tubules called rete testis. From the rete testis. 15 - 20 fine convoluted, ductules, the vasa efferentia, pierce the tunica albuginio to enter the head of the epididymis. The vasa efferentia at this places bear cilia to aid in sperm transport.
Functions of Testes: Testes perform:

  • The production of sperms by spermatogenesis.
  • Secretion of male sex hormones, mainly testosterone by Leydig cells. This hormone promotes development and maintenance of male accessory organs.
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